How would you pronounce the name Eugenia? And how many syllables?
Yuna Kanji’s Combination
Can my siblings teach each other a language
How do I improve my grammar on a language I’m fluent in??
Son of a convicted murderer, ask away!
What's the average age?
Just curious, what made you want to learn a foreign language?
my 2 crushes are DATING EACHOTHER
DAE like sucking on the tea bag when you’ve finished your drink?
[Japanese > English]
Life is so _______
DAE not experience nightmares?
Can a person learn to SPEAK a language by only listening to it? And do you think a person would attempt to speak a foreign language when speaking it wrong might actually mean their death? But not taking the risk would cost them their happiness?
I like heavy breathing
I have Tourette’s Syndrome and OCD, AMA
What color is the number "6"?
Does pronouncing “medieval” as /mədˈiːvəl/, with the first "e" as a schwa, sound natural to native speakers?
formula triangles
Writing vs typing in japanese
Where can I get hot samosas?
If you ____ me, then I will too!
Comprehension vs speaking or writing
Where can I find someone to talk in English?