Get your name here! If your name is longer, just add more
Choose 5 elements but the first reply will not only give your power, but also choose 2 of the elements you chose as weakness
Does anyone find this offensive or something?
Would you still drink it...?
Pick any two letters in the alphabet and a main element and I'll give you your power. I might not get to them allonce it gets past 100 and there might be duplicates.
What two weapons would you combine if you could?
Which superpower would you choose?
Tell me a power and ile give it a very immoral drawback
Pick an element, what's your power, weakness, archnemesis, lore (how you interact with other groups and your own team members)
Choose two elements plus one object of you liking I will make you a personalized superpower
How to make a butterfly power… good?
ah yes ovulation
Choose Your Superpower Counter
Pick one from each category and I give you your power. Ignoring the dimension.
Tell me something you don’t want to happen and ill give you a creative way that wont happen
Forbidden Fruit
You get power to change a color of anything for a minute. How do you create greatest prank possible?
Whats your favorite weapon art?
What’s your name
Tell me a superpower that can win against plot armor
It's all up to YOU now! 🫵
What’s y’all’s favorite boss in the DLC?
give me some super power combos that you think will work well and i will twist it into a curse