Grant and Tyler cheating on their girlfriends and then being SHOCKED when they hook up with men 😂
LOL at Tyler acting like not having a job for a year is a normal way to live as an adult.
Ashley is gorgeous and ...
Brion is the worst type of human
Wow 🤯 Episode 1
Cuddle bugs 🧡😴💤
I'm only on S1 Ep2, but these men are trash
Bought a pet stroller off FB marketplace today.
You already have food, big guy
Should I cut off cheater soul mate?
I'm a group admin of a private group. Someone reported a post. When I went to look for the person who reported in the group, they aren't a member.
Meg’s sister and Madison’s friend are beefing on Facebook
Lauren and Cam; NEVER at the Reunions 🤔
Tea from the “FWB”
Meg throwing shade, and Madison’s receipts!
Let's talk about the costume
Joey is such a loser
Guys I found rule #3
Joey fooled me the whole season
Both said No because of values, but still wanted to pursue relationships with their exes after the show 🤔
She thought she cooked
The men…
Beggingggg Danielle to lay off the Botox
Devin looking smug AF thinking he nailed the reunion 🙄