I've already posted about them many times before, but I just love my Cardinals. Their cuteness will never get old.
My oldest gal Booka laid an egg!!! 10 years old. She’s the last remaining hen from my original flock!
Can ducklings forage in my garden?
Brown-headed Cowbird💙🤎
Brightening up a rainy day
I know this is a chicken forum but I am sad.
They love to eat in my turkey pen
My electric car from 1997
I love my chicks
Just some regular supplies for my daily walks
I've had the bird buddy for two weeks and it seems to miss 98% of the birds. Any tips on getting more postcards?
Cutest little titmouse
Yellow-Rumped Warbler & Eastern Bluebird
Finally put my feeders back up after 2 weeks of them being down!!!🥳🥳🤩😍
No tail 😢
Interesting 🤔
These little ladies are survivors and need strong names.
Crow Gifts
“Now, if you could just take two small steps to your left…” 😂
He knows I'm watching
Injured Cardinal. Ways to help?
My painting, “A Stirring in my Spirit” :-)
I don’t have a right ovary.
Woodpecker kind of day