How are people affording homes in a good school district with 2-3 kids?
Dr Gökhan Gur | 2.846 Grafts | NW3 | 31Y
Best Way to Save or Invest $2,000/Month for a House Down Payment in 5-7 Years?
Save or Invest $2,000/Month for a House Down Payment in 5-7 Years?
Thoughts on Dr Gur/Turans packages and work?
Do hair transplant clinic coordinators or translators comment on Reddit to promote their business?
Hair transplant with Dr. Gur at FUECAPILAR in Istanbul
Got my blood work back and my cholesterol is high – is it worth taking the meds my doctor prescribed, or should I try to lower it naturally first?
Are 1-4 Family Homes in NYC Exempt from Rent Stabilization? Can My Rent Be Raised to Market Value?
What is this steel bracket that holds the gas meter called?
Where are People Investing in or Around NYC? Does anything make sense any more?
My 1900euros kosovo transplant