Here are a few cool things from my transition:)
How many of you were the token "last good guy" before you transitioned?
Help! Out of State Coverage???
How long did it take for you to actually see a girl in the mirror?
Sapphic poetry
Stop this a check point show me your pets
Feeling a little isolated for the holidays, could definitely use some positivity 🧡
still boymodin :( help me fight back and pick a fem name :)
I’m terrified of “euphoria boners”
Anyone else?
What Jobs do yall have?
Tragedeighize your name. Just for fun.
Bednar told everyone to sit down
What does this even mean?
post a leftist take....
Anybody else leave a cult? -12 years to 14 months HRT.
egg irl
The amount of "Thalassophobia" pictures depicting monsters in water is becoming ridiculous...
What’s everyone being for Halloween?
The Truth
Sounds bad, but when you think about it, it gets EVEN WORSE
Yeah he left me