Do you agree with this “tweet”? I personally don’t.
Some cool as all hell character designs for smiling friends.
Only the internet would hate a bad girlfriend more than a genocidal terrorist.
Thor movies are so inconsistent.
What’s your opinion on Squeaks?
CMV: The gun lobby should be disabled and replaced with tranq dart guns, that way people can’t get murdered.
Adolf Hitler was a _______ guy.
Some weapon ideas (plus a rework to the Pain Train)
Stop right there . What's your best tf2 memory. ( IMG maybe related )
What anime opening is this?
Which Cartoon Character Represents Gluttony
we never see raptors hunting other dinosaurs in the franchise
What a nice subreddit.
Replace the first name of your favorite game with fuck
I made a roster of only Nintendo series’s while keeping it under 50 characters
what do you think is the most overrated Simpsons episode
Your username dictates how you die. How are you dying?
Who Is Everyone’s Favorite Looney Tune and why?
The movie is gonna fail at the box office/just barely make its budget
Tell me your main in mk8dx and I'll say something I like about them
People are really talking about this video.
Opinions on Birdgirl?
I tried to cram as many Smiling Friends characters as I could into one piece.
Who is flatter?