Mavuika & Capitano at home (by kuriku)
Ifa design
Does varesa ascend with crit rate?
Am I doing ok for a f2p?
Am I the only one who doesn't like Alien X's head structure in UAF and Omniverse?
R1 Homa or R5 White Tassel?
Idk why ppl don't fw aranara quest
Finally got him c6
which team is better for chasca? (or are both bad lmao)
Is it a good a f2p build?( I am still farming for his signature weapon)
Should I go for C1 Wrio or Furina?
I feel like this is enough to stop, Serpent Spine gave me a lot of room for crit damage
I think she needs more crit rate
What does my top 6 say about me?
What do my very real and playable top 8 characters say about me
What does my top10 say about me?
What do my favorites say about me?
top 5
Another reason why we need skip dialogue option
Help on build
My first 50 cv artifact
Why the wrong set? 😭
Any Thoughts? And HP is without Hydro Resonance.