Statement from the Lebanese Army regarding the recent escalation.
Do we have any lead on who fire the rockets i feel it is some fringe palestinian grp .
Confirmed from Avichai on X
What'll happen if natives (south Lebanon) can't defend themselves against genocidal settlers (Zionism)? The settlers will rape and kill natives. The few who survive the massacre will be enslaved and thrown into concentration camps. Those in the north gets targeted next, bcuz Palestine wasn't enough.
Manar Tv journalist be like: el ouwet 3am yfawto l balad bi 7arb manna adda
Lebanese Army reached the location from which the rockets were fired from
7a ten2ada bel jnoub walla 7a ymaylo sawbna kamen bi Beirut?
How likely is it that Israeli spies orchestrated this "3 missles" attack to give Israel an excuse to start the war again?
My mind every time I hear news about either of our borders
Now what? Badna net7azzar who did it?
This is a pretty good analysis of why hezeb directly or using their small groups launched the rockets today
Who fired the latest rockets?
Israeli Defense Minister threatens Beirut
The governemnt needs to do shit about this Hezbollah, we cannot afford to enter a new war, wtf those Iranian death lovers just want to destroy the country, let LAF disarm whatevevr the cost, we need our peace.
Mish 7a y7ello 3anna wled l 7aram?
New director general of state security confiscates personnel and vehicles from politicians
Lebanon's government is attempting to assert sovereignty but faces major challenges, especially from Hezbollah, which operates independently and undermines state authority. Border clashes and internal divisions reveal the government's struggle to enforce control.
Syrian president refuses to take back the refugees. Asks for money first.
اردني يهرب كبتاغون الحزب عبر مطار بيروت
According to Syria TV, Molasses Tobacco found in a warehouse in one of Hezbollah facilities on the Syrian Lebanese border. (Housh Al-Sayyid Ali)
CCTV footage showing the thefts being made by elements of the Cult HTS army from Lebanese homes once they entered the town in Hosh al-Sayyed Ali. The local officials from the town previously announced the HTS destroyed property, stole cars and goods, and burned many other houses.
Summary about the border clashes between Syria and Lebanon by Ahmad Yassin, thoughts on his analysis?
For all seriousness though, the pager attacks weren’t that impressive.
Do you think an alternative Shiaa party can form in the upcoming years against Hezb/Amal? Would it be popular?
Lebanese drivers again