Looking for nothing, offering shiny wynaut giveaway
Looking for and Offering below
Looking for, offering
Looking for top can offer bottom plus old costumes/shiny legendaries
LF: Shiny BG Reshiram or Kyurem White BG FT: Shiny BG Zekrom (lucky screenshot for reference of the shiny BG Zekrom)
LF: Any Spare Shiny Legendary Background mainly Shiny BG Reshiram/WhiteBG Kyurem FT: Spare Shiny Zekrom with Background.
Looking for and and Offering below. Cany Fly, will build friendship.
looking for/offering
Looking for top, offering below
Offering enigmas and more, looking for top of first picture
Lf: Shiny kingler GMAX FT: pictured + over 1800 shinys 🤝
LF page 1, offering page 2 and 3. some on alt as marked. please read description! thanks :)
Looking for and offering below
Looking for Top. Offering rest
LF: Shiny Costumes
Looking for Shiny costume Wooloo ; Offering pictured (shiny costumes/shiny legendaries)
Looking for and offering below, can fly
Open to any offer / looking for those mostly but I don’t mind any really
looking for top , offering bottom , able to do 2:1 trade if needed + have more shinys. DM me
Uzumaki record might be the coolest record on the planet
Giveaway: looking for holiday cheer, offering Shiny Palkia with Fukuoka bg
Looking for Holiday Spirit, Offering below.
Can I play Pokémon Go while jailbroken?
Looking for G-Maxes And Legendaries Offering Shinies and Legendaries, Feel free to ask for more Shinies/Legendaries