Found this gold coin, what is it?
H:40k caps and 150 sunshine oil W: one of these masks please
Is it an artillerie shell fuse ? Found in a field in France
[Ps4] H: 5 Mega-Dispenser Test Tokens W: Offers
[PS4] H: Items in list W: 1 Mask
Just checking
[PS4 Price Check] H: Traveling leather Coat. W: ???
H: Offering Free Rejuvenator Mods W: Just Ask
Should i get it graded
H: Misc W: Anything (Except caps if possible)
"H:"responders set W: glowing mask or offar
H: Karma W: to give to Smo899
Found my first GOLD coin today while metal detecting. I think it could be Incan or Mayan
Any ideas?
Silver Finnish "quarter" (25 penniä), 1916
Gotta love those high resolution textures
H: Pic W: Offers
What are your thoughts on pricing?
What do y'all think is the worst quest (side or main) in 4
Any ideas what this is?
Hi! I'm a jewelry collector, and I don't know anything about coins.
what did i find??
Got this as a tip