why do we feel heat?
A transcendent guitar solo played for just a few people at a quiet bar.
From a first person perspective, what is it like to be you?
Ending a casual sentence by "lol" even if it's not funny makes someone sound like an idiot.
What is the biggest rabbit hole in math?
From a first person perspective, what is it like in your head? What is it like to be you?
What’s it like in your head? From a first-person perspective, what is it like to be you?
Doctors of Reddit, what do we *not* know about the human body?
Is the human brain really the most complex object in the universe?
TIFU by giving my youngest son advice on happy relationships and causing my oldest son's girlfriend to dump him
What would happen if we actually did the Schrödinger's cat experiment?
Something something life and lemons
People thinking a pan has to be scorching hot to cook steak.
Toon Squad Evolution (400FP or 60000 coins)
What color do you see?
87+ campaign pick L as always
Do you believe in god ?
PSG vs Liverpool - just because you have higher XG doesn't mean you should win
Is this evo worth or do i stay with the one i have? (Swipe)
How it started vs How its going
Reality is simulated because you're dead
pimples on bodyparts I trained hard
Cancer cure is bad news
Does this settle the debate?