What do my reps say about me?
Let's forget powers and character designs for a moment. Who is the most likable Hokage for you?
I present to you the most disgusting looking warden you will ever see!
Why is every new hero a female
What do my played characters say about me?
With 2v2v2 arriving soon, will banking be a common thing? Or will it be respectful fight like in brawls
I don't know who needs to hear this, but:
Do you believe Kushina would able to forgive Obito after everything he’s done?
What characters do you wish they showed more of in Naruto?
In all seriousness, why would anyone choose to follow this guy? Darth Ruin is unquestionably the most narcissistic Sith in Star Wars, period.
Skill issue or not?
If you were in the Naruto universe, what release would you choose?
Dark Warden
Just hit rep 300, what does my fashion say about me
Who would be the main character of Naruto if it wasn't Naruto?
How did Itachi even do this😭!?
Everyone’s favourite hero
What are you gonna do with the new material changes (Yr9 will introduce seperate materials on all body parts)
Are there any moments in Naruto that made you go like this?
In y'all opinions, which character here is the most handsome? Part 2
What Hero have you NOT TOUCHED.
What's a moment that made Sasuke your favorite character?
no cap need a new main getting bored