Does anyone have this 12 GA AR-10 upper by Aksa?
Bro this blows. What straight laced property owner cared so much to do this😭
This hotel has a room numbered 419+1 instead of 420
Baby helmet causing immediate allergic reaction?
Diamond lube
What’s the most disgusting thing you think an Office member did?
How do I rescue this? Remove stuck threaded drill bit
COD MW2 2009 m4a1
WTB M48 Scorpion
ppsh 41 parts
WTB flourish green hot knife
Vz61 mags?
Had to get the shirt that inspired me to get an Uzi
So I’m looking to start my first kit and need a welder recommendation
308 Gordo Carbine
Gordo Carbine
1.99 Pint of Florida Strawberries. No one was touching them.
Ram covered in trumper stickers gets what he deserves.
Got my new FAL build started
pps43 build
Anyone sitting on a few small M79 launcher parts?
What tools do i need to crack open this ground safe?
Looking for single cut / intact shroud pps43 kit
How to tell cat's gender, if there is fur all over the butt
Dummy gun requirements
What is the weight of this press brake?
Is this a good price for a kit? Comes with a mag and a repair section.