Post Election Worries
CPP Waiting for Payment?
Training time Mega thread
Processing Training Time but says hours not paid
Notification of Training Time Claim Approval
Career Pathways Ending
Submitting Classes
I was entering my training time and got an error did I do something wrong. Has anyone else gotten this ?
Career path question
OT question
Incentive 1 deadline
Career pathways payment
Why did the mods erase this?
Passing the self paced classes
sept 5 training time claim processing
8/16 - 8/30 class approval & pay out
Homenbridge 360 Skill labs
MEGATHREAD: Did you get paid? Timesheet 8/16/24 - 8/31/24
Incentive 1 payment?
Overtime and Classes
Do we put the entire Title when we file a claim?
Payment Delay
IHSS Training Time Approval 7/1/2024-7/15/20204
Sick leave claims
Certificate of Completion