Is it bad that I don’t really do anything?
Is naming your rpg after one of the monsters a bad idea?
Bridge — the card game beloved by geeks and Gates
How do people cope with having a partner?
Why do people think Shakespeare’s writing was so great?
Is there any point to seeing a therapist if I’m aware I just want attention?
Are those “be a camp leader in the US/Canada/Abroad” programs financially worth it if you’re fairly young without commitments or a job?
The sunflowers. 100 word microfiction.
Struggling to make character sheets
Papercut poster draft plan
Witty necromancers school names
Maps…yay or nay?
How do I stop a subscription when I have no idea what I am subscribed to?
What essential oils do Thai massage parlours use?
Finishing my degree, no clue what to do next
How has the “offlining movement” affected architecture?
Can bone conduction headphones improve hearing of people with mild hearing loss?
Do bio kids of parents who foster ever feel neglected?
Anyone been to signed hypnotherapy?
Do lorikeets lick people's hair?
Making paper out of seaweed
I had a kidney transplant then went straight to uni at the height of covid AMA .
Best English speaking ashram in India
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