Would you like conquest against AI ?
My name is DH
BAR doesn't disappoint
It's simple: Good vehicles, good Lethal, OG Rockets, OG melee, let us shoot on the air, unlimited one-shot sniper range across the map and quality of life from all the new warzones. Activison, LET IT FLY!
Anyone else feels like bf2042 is full of noobs?
Looking for old people
I s*** you not!
When they adding this bad boy
is it worth it?
Exfil campers
Tabor plz remove this shit
Did you know you can see inside the Ninja Turtles' shell?
How rare is this?
Who would win this hypothetical WW3?
Are most 'people' to becoming too "edgy" now 🤔
Practicing The BAR
Found a bug
Double purple vault found 4 purples total this raid
What do you want to see added to Siege X?
No, the BAR cannot two tap collector armour
Bar vs tree camper.
When was your first ace?