How “human rights” would have to be adjusted when aliens are encountered, or humans evolve (assuming normal humans are willing to consider aliens/vastly evolved humans equal and deserving of the same basic rights as they do)?
Would Jewel be able to adapt to being a pet (even badly) or would she rather die?
What realistic strengths and weaknesses can be on a combat ship?
Fanfiction series: Galactic Civilizatons: Resistance Episode 5
If Harry Kim was to have a stable romantic relationship, with whom he would have it?
How much should be explained in stories?
Space age warcrime?
A curious thing I noticed about Kes from Star Trek: Voyager and Star Wars
Ocampa and the Pagh - Wraiths
Why Deep Space 9's security failed so badly in Tear of the Prophets?
Uses/ Justification for a laser infantry support weapon.
Bohandi stories (posted again)
How did you come up with your current story idea?
Humans naming aliens in common language
Future of The Ocampa
How to name alien species (that you have a concept for)?
Bohandi - Vulcan War (an unusual Gal Civ III AAR)
Fanfiction series: Galactic Civilizatons: Resistance Episode 4
Is it only me or was that diplomat sent to me to not make trobule at home?
Making alien species more diverse
Original fiction: Bohandi propaganda
Futher Drengin propaganda