Best third party candidates of all time
Alternative Candidates
Presidents that we never deserved?
Looking for a unique scholarly podcast on religion
What do you guys enjoy about a church service?
What’s more important?
Dinner with favorite couple didn't help.
Which presidency is most tainted by war?
People with a Catholic background, how do you feel about the high church aspects of the Church?
Why is there the belief that Jews, Christians and Muslims worship three distinct seperate dieites?
What if there was a Netural God?
Do you believe in those who do not believe in your religion will be punished and if so how?
What is the most spiritually sacred and naturally high-vibrational place you've visited, where you felt an energy shift upon arrival, as if entering another realm?
What is the most controversial "denomination" within your religion?
Can one lose the title used by clergy in your religion?
If religious people really believe in God, Heaven, living forever etc. Why are they scared of dying and why don’t they read their book??
Any fans of Ward Radio here?
Mixed Faith Family Scripture Study Ideas?
I have a small dilemma (originally posted in r/LDS)
General Conference
Got this from a used bookstore
How do I refute this?