أهمية الشباب المغتربين
too much greys for a 36yo? not thinking of dyeing it ever
Is this staged or wtf is he doing with a bike on the roof ???
Dude is the protagonist's friend in an anime
What's going on here?
They're having the time of their lives
Fish stuffed kitten with rice on the side
never grow up
never trust anyone
Aang Ladies and Gentlemen
Dog plays dead until pitbull is taken away
That's a great momma
Chockon with hot sauce
I wanna have kids just to roast them
I wanna have kids right now
Come and get your love
Boys to men
I wanna wear a projector screen
What a raised arm (for 52 years) looks like.
Fresh dung wrap breakfast in India
Fuck your 38 hours world breaking record not bothering anyone , Im the main character and I'm gonna annoy the hell out of you
Never cut your goatee , I regret it so much
I actually like it now
Little Gestures Make Life Beautiful!!
السلبية عدوة الانتاجية