adhd & bipolar 2?
just venting
Which is your signature sign?
what’s your venus/mars and how are you in relationships?
Obese walker - tips needed
Tell me your Sun, Moon and Rising and what personality traits you find attractive
comment your venus/rising and i’ll tell you what’s an attractive trait you have
Mercury signs and creativity/expression
what’s your rising and a stereotype you think is actually true for you?
How do others feel about Virgo risings?
Cancer sun, pisces moon + Libra sun, Libra moon - Bad match?
house stelliums
first time daily walking
I overdid it today.
What’s your Mars sign and how do you prefer to workout?
Mars signs most likely to lie
tell me your rising/moon and i’ll tell you my first impression of you!
stereotypical things you do as your moon sign ✨️
Today's cancer mars is insane 😭😭😭
Does anyone struggle with fighting to take their meds?
Pisces and their love of feet
Scorpio lol 😂
That took a quick twist!
Is there a sign that can have you eating out of its hand every time?