What do You think of House of Cards?
Doing some rework with Gigau's map for the Europa Universalis 3 version.
What’re the best and worst lightsaber duels of Disney’s management of Star Wars? (So far)
Africa, in the year 1890
Potential U.S. Peace Plan for Ukraine
What Happened to the Missing Yuba County Five? | Netflix Files of the Unexplained
What’s a show you used to watch all the time, but years later after going back to watch it you were shocked to discover it was actually really bad?
Hii I am gonna to start this anime series can u give me some details
This movie had such awful writing, my god
Yes, put Vader on Tatooine. That won’t cause any narrative issues at all.
Can you enlighten me? Wasn't the Fandom Menace was always like: "Lucas was better than Disney."?
Yeah, yeah… I’ll do a purist run… eventually, I swear!
What game is this?
Remember kids! it's pronounced "Or-wick"
Combat Wheelchair 3.0 released today!
Something Weird About Disney Fans
What’s the worst episode and why is it Morp?
What would be the best set-up (in the shows' spirit) for the sequel?
It just hit me: Germany. Has. Self. Completing. Focuses.
So yesterday I watched the War of the rings rohirrim
Guy who otherwise makes good videos about urban planning and transportation makes a God Awful video about those pesky fascists in Warhammer
The world is at war again.
After the December 2nd Update, the Helicopter event crashes the game.
I need some help with research: Brazilian land reforms between 1889 and 1964?
I need some help with research: Brazilian land reforms between 1889 and 1964