Is it true that women really do like bad boys and that nice guys finish last?
How true is it that women like bad boys and that nice guys finish last?
I need help deprogramming
Random thought: If you could what would you do to fix Andromeda?
Anthony Mackie Clarifies His Previous Comment About What Captain America Means To Him: "I'm a proud American"
I need help
Freddie never should’ve taken her back
THIS is character development
can someone fully explain the beef between Ulfric and Balgruuf.
Just started watching for the first time
"Never compromise. Not even in the face of Armageddon." - Rorschach (Watchmen) [1280x800]
Why does islam require 4 witnesses in cases of rape
AITA for questioning my bf saying he likes Andrew tate and his morals?
All this Daphne hate is really annoying
I can be shared but not stolen. I can be given but not taken. I grow when I am shared and diminish when hoarded. What am I Reddit?
[DAO Spoilers] I'm developing second thoughts on the peaceful option in the Dalish main quest
Could someone please debunk this Flat Earth video?
About Paarthurnax
Getting caught driving drunk one time should be enough to make you lose your license for the remainder of your life
Did Waverly ever desire to leave Purgatory?
Why is WayHaught so popular?
Are humans meant to eat meat?
Wynonna and Waverly
Episode 4x08: Hell Raisin' Good Time | Official Discussion Thread (Spoilers)