Shipped a new feature today (postcards)...
I want to send you a free sample of my product (serious).
I built a snail-mail subscription platform. Because who doesn't love getting snail-mail? 📬
I used ChatGPT to make an "earnings estimator" for my app. What do you think?
Have you heard of StampFans?
My "Pricing" page stinks. How can I improve it?
Poets keep signing up for my publishing platform. Any idea why?
I built a website that lets you quickly send certified mail online.
Uhhh...what just happened? My platform got 300+ new users overnight 🤯
What is your Substack? Share a link!
I built a snail-mail version of Substack. 100+ writers already onboard. What do you think?
Does Trent Baalke have the worst record of any GM?
City Council overrides Deegan's "Cash for Trash" veto "against the advice of the Council Auditors."
I built StampFans. Does the concept make sense to you?
I'm looking for a few writing partners...
Jordan Peterson and the Mysterious Case of the Very-involved Dads
Built something in 2024? Show it off with pride!
Does my product's name remind you of something...sexual?
RIP John Cobb
A Heartfelt Rejoinder to Eugenia Constantinou: Discovering the Orthodox Phronema in Universalism
My wife says my new logo is obscene. Is she right?
I built Daily Fortune Cookie – an SMS fortune teller 🥠
Would you be interested in turning your Substack into a snail-mail newsletter?