Salt Lake City Show
Am I the a-hole?
Shane Gillis shouts out HLL
New Server on Xbox One Battlefield 4
Maybe a dumb question
New Player
Myself (lvl 40) and my partner (lvl 20) got attacked by a lvl 378 last night.
X box 1 (0x82d40007)
I didn’t mean to scare the low level
Couldn't find a Fallout 76 map with just the FREE fast travel locations marked, so I made one!
What's your gaming style?
Now that it's official, what has been your favorite map in the game?
BREAKING NEWS! Battlefield 2042 has come to an End, what are your final thoughts about the game?
Got that cheese Danny !
can we all collectively agree that this song is fire until 1:25
Joining the military.
F-14 might be Canon plane in AC5 but this was the plane I used most of the time
Gonna tell my kids these were the founding fathers.😂
Finally got another one besides 7
WWIII ideal fighter pilot song
Just another day as a female on COD! This gem was spotted in ranked play. I was sent this a couple minutes after the game ended. I had already reported him after he threatened physical harm. I wish people like this would get perma-banned.
We Found This In Our Late Son’s Truck
Starfield Space Shuttle
I'm new to DMZ... what is exfil etiquette?