Is tattoo regret a normal feeling ?
A Disturbing Smile
Another great video explaining psychological control
When people just don’t understand narcissism
Who had these?
What's a fashion trend that was huge when you were younger but looks strange now?
Is my nose shape ugly? Be honest
Rate me please
Rice and Gravy with Lima Beans - Stretching a 1/4 lb of beef
AITA for refusing to give my pregnant ex-fiancée money after she left me for another man?
This baby looking at her mom and smiling is the cutest thing
What's a physical trait you find attractive that other people may not?
My husband doesn't work but it's supposedly my fault. I have fibromyalgia and work 50+hrs per week.
Current situation is really getting to me and I need advice
My cat who is normally very active suddenly (2 days ago) has become lethargic and is drooling from her mouth. Even his meow sounds sick. 😰
84 year old NMom has cancer
Filing paperwork today
When did you realize your spouse/partner was narcissistic?
I had to leave most of my belongings behind when I left and...
Made my own birthday dinner!
3 days ago she asked for a divorce and to leave the house but today it’s like nothing happened? I’m so confused
Did I just meet a covert narcissist?
I just can't leave
Breaking Point
Separation and coparenting