Pickups of the past few weeks
Who's catalog takes up the most space on your shelves? It's either Vothana, Satanic Warmaster or Leviathan for me.
Satanic Warmaster - Exultation Of Cruelty LP up for pre-order at HHR
Absu - Tara. My fav release from Absu.
Which Metal bands would you suggest for fans of Primitive Warfare?
My only vinyl.
Blutschwur - Reclaim the Fire
New pickups
Hells Headbangers Order
Pickups the past few weeks
Kanonenfieber - Die Urkatastrophe
Sunday Playlist
In Praise Of Helios
Bloody Vengeance - Ruído De Guerra
Death Thrash recommendations
What bands do you think get too much unfair hate, and why?
I make commissioned art, these are some examples of my work, if anyone is interested, just call!
To learn more about my work, get in touch on any of my social networks: https://linktr.ee/hellforgemetalart
Trying to get into War Metal
Deicide NEW ALBUM-Banished By Sin
Favorite THRASHHH band?
NEW Diocletian - Inexorable Nexus
Blasphemy - Fallen Angel of Doom [ROSS BAY CULT]
What's a metal subgenre you don't like?