[rant] Guy keeps commenting on how I play :(
How to get German cashiers to talk to me in German??
Finally Reached Master
What is せん in this sentence?
First time doing mock tests. I did the N5 and N4 tests. I don't understand the grading.
Opinions on Shigeru Ishiba?
Why didn't Atom Eve just manipulate Conquest's mechanical arm?
"I blocked"
Does anyone else really hate basing?
Rewatching episode 1, it’s crazy how far Mark has come
when the common folk start to ask questions you know there is trouble brewing
Why does English make everything so complicated?
he makes my knees weak
[Japanese > English]
The JLPT Blind Spot: Why Test-Takers Freeze When They Land in Japan
Why is the skill difference between gold and silver players so big?
Mark Throws Away Tissues and Lotion For The First Date With Amber. They're Back After The Break Up.
I think quin is gaming streams death spiraling.
Looks like the devs of this dogshit game injected a cool 1100 followers.