The world‘s most hideous car is the ____.
I need more posts that make me scream "______!"
Your favourite band is Weezer?! I guess you’ll be a ________ for life.
Dude jumped straight into the camera and jumpscared me
I broke my arm, what are the best games that can be played 1 handed
Whats the deepest place you can visit in a game?
What’s that in the water?
the developers be like:
Flo‘s Snack Mundraub Teil 2
If the princes's name is the chapter's name. Is the normal princess named "The hero and the princess".
Die Jungs wollen‘s uns aber auch schwer machen, mit dem erraten des Folgentitels oder?!
*deathblight meter slowly fills up while petting*
This was fantastic
Fuck all these posts about sex. What is the scariest enemy from a non-horror game?
Well, well... look at the city slicker pulling up in his fancy German car.
I was playing Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion and I think I fucking killed Doug...
i keep forgetting mattman is a grown ass adult 😭
Learned something new today: lost soul gets a holy mantel shield with BFF
too little, too late
And that kids is why I love reading
always learning something new with tom scott
Updated DougDoug Iceberg
Am I crazy or is this dude sounding a little bit like Parkzer?! (also: he has butter)
Why is the skeleton-key quality 3?