Fungal Folly change
Who is your favorite music artist?
[PROMOTE] Tell Us About Your Band -- March 15, 2025
Scorched Earth - The Bones That Pave The Road
Who is an underrated artist/band that you always recommend?
What’s the saddest song you’ve ever heard?
What is something you secretly crave in life, but have hesitated to pursue because it doesn’t seem practical or realistic?
Married couples what’s the one thing you wish you could tell your partner but just can’t?
How do you become more intelligent?
What class feels like home to you?
What movies would’ve worked better as a TV show or vice versa?
What is the weirdest thing about your country's history?
Hoof - Slaughter
Most comfortable tank - your opinion
Scorched Earth - The Dark Tower
What is the most slept on tv show?
How likely do you think it is that Iridikron will manage to kill the titans in the worldsoul saga?
There's no way N'Zoth is dead
What is your Dragonflight Story Retrospect?
What country has the best food ?
What are some of your minor annoyances in the game?
What’s the one place on Earth everyone should visit at least once in their lifetime, and why?
How Can America Fight For Better HealthCare?
What's Your Most Profitable Side Hustle?
I've lost the ability to embed from Excel