I was rushed through a fight because of real world circumstances.
I know everyone has their own rules but opinion??
What is your second favorite rom hack besides poke unbound
Now we’re gaming
100% Complete
Nintendo DS online multiplayer public release is imminent
Feedback on starting maps? Context in Comments.
Wanting to do an "Uncommon used" run. Need help compiling a list.
Caraway City - Pokémon Exon
Might be a no brainer but who to add?
Am I overleveled?
are there any good fan games with a randomizer nuzlock mode?
Finally became the champ
Gym 4 in my randomized Unbound run
Team for Fallshore City gym
What’s some of the best games with a lot of options you can change when game starts? Like randomized and difficulty options.
Who would you put on team?
Delta pokemon romhacks
Playing unbound randomized. Which would you add to the team?
Who would you add ( it’s randomized)
Do you not get Dexnav until third gym? Or did I miss it
What is the best emulator to use?
Monotype complete
Team for gym 2