epic fail
Chansey the new exeggcute?
Is this a flex?
What rare Pokémon do you regret evolving/purifying/form-changing? I’ll start.
Doesn't get much more useless than this
Saw a similar post earlier and wanted to share mine
What were everyone's first shinies?
Ngl this scared the sh*t outta me
I feel like I’ve been here before. Why is he always in the way.
A list of tour codes for anyone missing them.
Rarity on this 1?
Left out of a class group chat cause i’m not Chinese
show Ur first 15 shinys
My 3 shundos are all pink and all legendary
Might be a bit late but is this any use?
How many Level 1 shinies have you caught so far this year?
How rare is this pokemon?
Is this worth a brag?
what’s a shiny you didn’t know you needed?
Is this the most underwhelming shundo ?