How would you translate this sentence?
What language is the most difficult to learn ?
When you think of Monstercat, which artist comes to mind first?
Just did a playthrough of lone fungus 2 demo if anyone is interested
What are some games that are very popular among autistic people?
I'd like a Norwegian friend to practice with
Could someone explain this use of «til»?
«Favorittårstiden min»
Is there a way to make keyboard hotkeys to type out Norsk letters?
What's the difference between saying «jeg jobber heltid» and «jeg er i fullt arbeid»?
Subordinate clauses with «det» vs «det som»
Umm hey duo, what?
Website to check how many times a specific phrase has been used in media
Could anyone tell me why this is wrong? And when is it better to use "blir" instead of "skal"?
I guess I cant go out to eat
Is "forleden" alone correct?
"det som" vs "hva"
Why is this incorrect?
Random question. What’s the best/ most beautiful word you can think of in Spanish that begins with “G”?
Bør vs burde (when talking about the present)
Spend: å tilbringe eller å bruke
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Isn't fresh "fersk"? What's the difference between saying "friske epler" and "ferske epler" in this context?
God/godt and bra: what's the difference?