As much as I would like a sequel, Madagascar is next
Clash Royale pros , What fits in my deck
Snowballer: new card concept
New card concept: Snowballer(Art not done)
Im reinstalling the game after a few months, and half my cards have deunlocked themselves, help...
Clashing my royale
Lets end the debate, Are Evolutions a good addition to Clash Royale?
What do you think will replace Chest keys?
Silence and Comeback - Best Combo
Ending nearly gave me a heart attack 😅
What y'all think about this theory?
is golden knight stupid?
List the songs that make you do this
Which game is this for you.
Who wants or cares about these?
Which evo to go for?
I just feel bad at this point
Why nerf completely balanced cards
The card you hate the most
Should I try My luck with 4 Legendary chest?
Why is no one talking about this
Supercell: We don’t want the game to be too defensive, we want to prioritise attacking. Also supercell:
Can't wait until Buzz Lightyear gets removed
Cheesing in style