Teilzeitarbeit als Zugverkehrssteuerer/FDL
Was könnte man den fleißigen Hühnern besseres tun, als sie zu Curry zu verarbeiten? 🤡
Question about Warden Warning Level decreasing while offline
I will die on this hill
The Criminal Enterprises Full Guide & FAQ Thread
The Criminal Enterprises DLC Release Day Megathread
Sunfire nerf is a buff for ornn
You’re not home. Your house is invaded. You have an automation system that lock them inside, call the police and sound any song at max volume as an alarm. What song did you choose?
Breton lore really needs a major update tho
What do you genuinely not understand?
During this pandemic as well? Come on bruh
What’s legal now, but probably won’t be in 10 years?
Is the persuasion system random or not?
ich iel
“Is this the real life?”
Never gonna tell a lie
If you could only eat one kind of cheese for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
Without saying the name , whats the last thing you ate ?
I have to say this out loud, sorry...
Better reload that wand of yours Harry!
No fall damage?
How D&D wanted Jon to say goodbye to Ghost.