Why are princesses considered spoilt when they were usually just bargaining chips?
How many sexual partners make a guy “ran through” according to yall?
Drove by this church board today
I guess this might be pointful... but it's BS! [Gendered]
Wtf does that say there? Do women have a separate set of emotions everyone else isn't privy to??
Grill me worse than gordon ramsey
Enough yaoi posting, it’s time for medieval posting
[Off-Site] Filling The Grand Canyon With Pee
Majority negative reactions to pride colours on SPVM cars. Is homophobia on the rise?
What would happen if you dosed your HRT in a way that mimics the natural menstrual cycle of cis women?
Goddamn rule
Bioshock rule
George R.R. Martin: Adaptations should "stay as close to the source material as possible"
I wish that all roaches went extinct immediately.
omg so rebellious 😍😍
this close to digging out my facial hair follicles with a kitchen knife
Un leader des manifestations propalestiniennes de l’Université Columbia est arrêté
This is meant for comical purposes
👠 rule 👜
diy t will literally kill you
Stock Markrule
Canadian verification test to keep the Americans out
What are signs that would set apart someone pretending to be ignorant on trans issue to start bad faith arguments to someone who's genuinely uneducated but well meaning trying to learn more about trans issues?
Friend keeps sending me reactionary videos about trans people :(