BF2042 is better than BF4
Pathetic, Hans. What would Opa say?
I’ve been really excited with the gameplay leaks of the next Battlefield, but guys, remember the wise words of Cartman
Distorted but real screenshots of a first-person takedown in Battlefield Labs
What's good about BF 2042?
I got kicked even though im the one who got teamkilled? how do i report this guy?
New Mechanic? Clinging to vehicles?
Should BF6 have ledge grabbing?
If only he came a day earlier
Hærværk mod Tesla i Aarhus C
Lånt fra r/BuyFromEU
Er fliserne sat rigtigt eller forkert?
Chat is he tuff for this ???
Giant holes appeared
Omkring kæresten var utro
Skal jeg buste hende?
A guy named ‘Dick Schoof’ is going to decide our security? Are we done chat
Can I have another jak-ing?
Lave altan om til rum
Mit mareridt er at højreekstremister som Lars "voksenble" Mathiesen kommer i nærheden af politisk indflydelse
What's my body fat percentage?
Primal Wojak?
Hvor meget vil vi danskere ofre, for at skubbe tilbage mod Trump?
Afspejler kommentarerne på Facebook virkelig holdningen blandt almindelige danskere?