Is there a reason why Ride never uses the n word in his lyrics?
This subreddit makes me glad they disbanded
After a year, I’m back with myRotomatic - finally as a VST!
Who would you want to see collaborate with Jack?
songs with the color blue in it
If you had to pick two of Jack's solo albums which one's would you pick.
Anyone else with hopes of Zach and Nick making another full album of UKFH in the same vein of what they're doing here? Remnants of Chris was a sick song.
When you aren’t Listening to DG, what else are you listening to?
Worst death grips song?
Best album opener?
This is the craziest show ever booked
Found in a book on the history of Black Punk.
I feel like Jack white would do some great film scores
PSA for anyone who preordered through Sub-Pop: we get full access to DCS on Thursday!!!
"nailedPod" is covering the Year Zero era
If kanye announces a world tour would you go?
Kanye already told us he was a Nazi
Sound Design on Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross's score, "The Vietnam War"
Taylor Swift Booed at Super Bowl
Andy Morin show filmed on a 3DS
This feels like Daft Punk all over again…
Can we stop about the glowsticks?
New lady gaga song had me feeling like I heard this before somewhere