New Pick Up for My Xbox 360 Collection.
Today was a good day + Collection Update
Do you collect greatest hits(Platinum)?
MW2 phat boi. Picked it up a few days go. Faceplate flaps needed fixing & it needed an internals transplant, but it works and I love it! --- Do you like limited editions or would you rather have a plain model?
F1 IMAX fan screenings on-sale now
Decided to break out this classic
Snow White - At $270m in the declared budget (so far), how big a box-office bomb is this going to be?
Happy accident?
My pick ups from today
You couldn't believe what I found for free at a food bank.
Bought my GameCube games and Wii Console that play GameCube Games. to play since everyone go to the field trip but I’m okay with field trip And Some Students Surprise me what I Bought to school.
What do you guys think about my collection
I Finally Joined the member of Xbox 360 and it’s a MW2 Edition and here’s my first pickup of Xbox 360.
My Pickup of my games and I finally got Xbox 360 and a new color of PS2 Silm.
If I were to get 8 more… which ones should I get?
Sinners 1.43:1 IMAX trailer 2 captured before Oppenheimer re-release 2025
It’s about time to beat razor on with my Porsche carrera GT Carrea NFS MW (2005)
is There a Rumors of AMC Roosevelt Collection 16 which IMAX Format its could be IMAX CoLa, IMAX With Laser, or IMAX 70MM. Since Showplace ICON Has Finally Closed for Renovation.
Any updates on the south loop AMC
Current GameCube collection!
Um this game is actually 🔥
Here’s my Top 20 Games
What are some PS2 ports you never knew existed ?
I didn’t notice That Joker Foile À Deux on HBO Channel has an IMAX Variations on some scenes 2.20:1 to 1.85:1 (I finished this movie it’s was Meh 3.9/5)
What are you playing this weekend ?