Where do you find sugarmommys ?
Fuck MXB mods.
Is dating in SA actually this hard, or am I just cursed?
Is this the correct way to whip?
100 hours, any advice? CRF450. I think cornering is where I struggle the most. Should I switch back to a 250?
How much are you earning? And do you rent or own?
Should South Africa not remove all the parties who represent less than 1% of national vote?
PSA: Be very careful who you share your phone number with
Should I lose weight before my tattoo?
How the F*CK do I pass my drivers?
I F(25) am thinking of applying for citizenship by decent in South africa. My dad is fighting me on it saying I shouldn't.
Anybody else playing with steering wheel and pedals
What's the best anime you've watched recently?
Feels like Im doing something wrong
How did you guys get out of going to church?
Successful? Lonely AF 27m
New to the game
Is the Beta good
trying to download new bike oem bike pack.
anyone else feel like theyre on ice?
Tell me your favourite manga
How much do you tip Uber driver?
what am i doing wrong? 3 hrs on sx 60 in total and feel clueless
How to start SX?