What’s the most bizarre dream you’ve ever had?
As head coach of the Thorns Rob Gale has only won 2 games
How do you deal with overthinking?
How long does a cold last
Suggest a novel written by a woman.
Honest answers only - How often do you change your bed sheets?
Genuine Question: do you still masturbate? Including any of you who are over 80?
What’s your most embarrassing gym story (No judgment)?
do girls like bad boys and should i be one (read below)
When a woman asks you in the bed "What do you want me to do?" what is your answer?
I’m 57 and I found my first gray chest hair today. Should I just give up now?
Indian Pass, Wind River Range, Wyoming, August 1979 - Names in comments
My great-great-grandpa, George Herbert, around 1910
My great-great-grandpa, George Herbert
My aunts in the 1930s
How would you save face if you were busted with a bale of used underpants in your possession and why?
What do you think of lying, if no one ever finds out the truth and/or gets hurt?
How easy is it for people to boycott TSLA but not XTwitter?
Caiya Hanks
I want Vlatko Andonovski to tell me what to do with my life, step by step.
Knowing what you know today, would you change anything about your younger years?
What’s been your biggest surprise partner-wise?
What higher upfront cost purchase is worth it in the long run?
What do people mean by 'fives' and 'tens' when dating
What happened to your favorite childhood plushie/doll?