Swords & Wizardry…who’s running it?
Race as class or Cultural classes?
I would like to know where Heroes of the Lance went wrong as a port
Why when some people go to pawn shops they get upset when the pawn shop doesn't pay them a lot for the item?
OSR Tropes
Do people really enjoy spicy food?
In cosmic horror, a common trope is that the human brain isn't physically able to comprehend the monsters' real form and the person would go insane if they saw the truth. Is this in any way based on real phenomenon? Is the brain limited by what it can see, and you will break if you go past it?
In defense of Keep on The Borderlands (and also a defense of Humanoid enemies)
Tome of Worldbuilding and Nomicon now available on DriveThruRPG
How do you pick a campaign setting?
Wow! If you're into classic RPGs, newer OSR efforts, or dungeonsynth, check out Dark Future in Portland, OR!
What’s yalls thoughts on combining magic users and clerics?
Classic RPG Play has One Element Which is Missing in Modern Systems - Having Players Make Maps as they Explore
Rules Cyclopedia: how do you use errata?
What's the point of having so many classes and races?
Which system do you like the most for long campaigns? Explain why.
Is this the limit of my reflexes? Playing Punch Out
Item Enchantment Rules
Ruins of Undermountain, but with BECMI
Swords and Wizardry question
Single class Fighter or Magic User for Elves and Half-Elves
Do you actually like spells having levels? (rambly musing)
Was 5e originally considered a triumph for the old school?
How OSR are spell points?
Do you have full libraries or curated?