I quit bro
Husband having a hard time with fatherhood
When you tell your husband "I don't want anything for Christmas" and you come home from work to see this. (Update)
When you tell your husband "I don't want anything for Christmas" and you come home from work to see this.
AITA for telling my mother in law not to place her own gift tags on Christmas presents i ordered for MY children ?
I hate this man
Having a difficult time getting used to new hearing aids/ ear molds
What is the worst reply to "I love you"?
The man with 1000 kids. Anyone watched it?
I snooped in my husband's phone
AITA For Taking My Daughter On A Shopping Spree?
People who don't drink or smoke, what do you do when you are at your lowest?
Abnormals from my ER
OP wants to take kids from their family.
Neighbors with toddlers live next door to known meth house. CPS worthy?
"How would you respond to a text asking you to cease communication?" Oh my Gosh his replies in the comments....
[deleted by user]
WIBTA for putting my elderly mother in a nursing facility against her wishes?