Polyethylene, Parts 1 & 2 - Piano Cover
How many shows have u been to?
apartment building towering over a high school towering over a church
What's your favorite song on EATEOT: Stage 3?
Which Color Are You Picking?
Guess My Age based on the Artist I Listen to
what tracks would you put on an “of montreal’s greatest hits” album?
Venom's In - Piano Cover
My first episode was Whole Foods or 99 Cents Store in 2018
Coney Island fog
Why does Brooklyn Borough Hall look so bad?
update on twentytwentyfive shows
Question! Showing album covers in my list (Georgia Reborn 3.0)
georgia reborn not showing full album art, cut off on the left
the first 3 minutes of LTIA pt 1
Critically Acclaimed albums released 15+ years after the artists “Magnum Opus”
Albums where every song gets its own video
Which Parappa/UJL merch do you want the most?
All Strawberry Fields Forever Takes
Who would win in a fight?
Islands but with NO HIGH PITCHED NOISE
The whole world is going backwards
FM - Steely Dan ( Guitar AND Saxaphone ending mixed )
What's The Best Water Filter?