I'm so emotional over this performance
share your observations about heeseung!
[UPD] LF: kasama magdonate ng blood
Fellow District 5 Redditors
N is for "Nurses. Three nurses. And they were naughty. They were really, really naughty. They were three naughty nurses. Saucy, even. They were saucy and bad and naughty." O is for…?
M is for “McDreamy was doing the McNasty with McHottie?! That McBastard!” N is for…?
[UPD] Which buildings on campus do you feel the hottest and coldest?
250224 mmm_mag_official Instagram Story: ENHYPEN @ 2025 D*Awards
No interview invitation yet
To intarmed passers... how did you get your results po?
[UPD] Math 21 LE 1
Best covers of non-Kpop songs?
Shifting to UP Diliman (BSBAA)
Ilang steps kayo a day sa UPX?
[UPD] does anyone know how to contact a specific ikot driver?
Do you think idols drink before going on stage?
[UPD] Ganito ba talaga kabigat ang ENG 13😭😭
Cheap travel destinations from Tokyo
[UPD] Speech 30 or Eng 13?
may mga reqs ba pag magtatravel abroad (upd)
UPLB: *announces in advance in preparation for Bagyong Pepito* | UPD: go read this article about Genetic Modification
[UPX] is 87 a good grade in UP?
[upd] crs: unable to retrieve up mail address
Do you have 5-10 minutes to fill in a quick survey - Notebook preferences?