Uhh Little Sleepies did this WAY before you, Laura
this is beyond depressing. let her watch a goddamn movie 😭
maybe she could give up bullying and complaining about mia for lent instead? it will certainly be a challenge for her
Back to the “my grandma didn’t” crap 🙄
Deleted stories from this afternoon
No but it looks like he’s trying to 😂 and it just looks so unnatural for her lol
tiktoker has two huge xl pitbulls. doesn’t want them in the bedroom with her newborn in the bassinet. commenters getting mad at her for putting the baby first. these people are mentally ill.
She is going to have to get over this!
“look at me im a mumma of 3 and i run soOomany businesses” aka i put overpriced baby pajamas i ordered from china into a box for an hour then i go home and make fun of your baby’s hair loss. such a hard working mumma
I have officially reached my limit, i’m ready to be blocked and never see her posts again
You guys
Imagine growing up and seeing all the horrible things your mom said about you online to 300k people 😭😭😭😭
Oh my god
Poor Laura
never seen her talk to/about mia like this or give her kisses and snuggles. i feel so sorry for that little girl
Blaming M… AGAIN
So condescending
The head. THE HEAD Laura you absolute dingbat
Yeah we know… if only you loved being around your older kids as well
Bingo update 🤣 everyone agree?
“Just like I knew all along🥰” 😑😑😑stfu Laura
Third child
We will never see Mia or Finley again
We share too much online - it’s insane