Only those of a certain age would understand this ! 😂
Whats your favorite non Citadel paint?
What do you use for ”area terrain”?
Building brutes
What's the best comedic horror film ever made, in your opinion? I'll go first:
Belakor+Illifan = Belidan? Warcraft meets Warhammer
What's a movie you'll never watch again, no matter how good it was?
Horror TV Show suggestions
Which models in the Skaventide box will you never need two of?
Why would someone do this
Kraken Eater roaming a coast
Greatest TV show of all time?
Currently watching Fruitvale Station (2013) are American police really this abusive and trigger happy ?
What do we think about that?
What's your favourite alliance in AOS and why?
PSA: To all modelers and friends - Spread the word.
What movie character is an example of this?
What’s a hidden gem from the past decade?
Any Suggestions?
Upcoming Point Changes?
Choose three of these Martin Scorsese films and the rest disappear forever! Which three are you choosing?
Lord of the Rings - When Gandalf faces Balrog. What do you think about this movie?
Victorian men used special teacups to protect their mustaches from dunking into their tea
Name your favorite side character who completely stole the show