Son is home...
NICU Parents.. what’s one thing a nurse did or said that made a lasting impression on your experience?
I had no idea people were rude to nurses
Kinda curious as to the backlash
Omg falling in reverse dropped a song
Old gaming website from early 2000s
Female astronaut action figure 90’s
I made lobster thermidor!
My family still can’t grasp the concept that 1pm for them, is 1am for me.
My therapist told me that people with OCD never actually feel anxious
Help me understand - is a glass of wine during 3rd trimester not “bad” anymore?
What trees are these, please?
Any sites where I can search hotels in random cities??
What is it like to be a nurse?
what was your most memorable “that’s ocd too?!” moment
What is ocd really like?
I want to have OCD
Do You have involuntary movements due to OCD?
Paranoia of my anxiety/dep meaning something deeper?
Just curious what all hobbies do y’all have that can be done at night
Anyone allergic to the pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks?
How do you find time to workout?
Costume Idea Request Megathread
Funny male costume to go with a witch?
What are some songs you find relatable to OCD when you listen to them?