Dragon backpiece progress
Can I proxy my Gants Weapons?
Best and Worst mini in your opinion?
My 6 months horimono progress.
kray really thought ts was tuff 😭😭
Is there something wrong with my game?
Does Teeming Masses stratagem counter Fire Overwatch stratagem ?
Urgent need of help/knowledge of Norte gang
Who makes the Greatest controllers currently?
Los Angeles 🏙️ — Chaos on Figueroa Street with a street worker
Kray’s new hair😭
Merry Christmas from your favorite parasite
Now that I’m done with my Lictor, should I work on a Biovore or NeuroLictor next?
What's wrong with this model?
Had so much fun playing my first Boarding Actions game
First tyranid painted in the colors of my custom hive fleet! How’d I do?
My try at grimdark nids, need the opinion of the hivemind
My reposed winged prime
What does my art taste like? 😋
Behemoth color scheme
Winged Tyranid Prime in celebration of new detachment
What pose should I choose for my Lictor?
Really sucks the the winged Tyranid prime gets a small pamphlet/booklet instead of a regular sized one.
Finished my Jormungandr patrol from the Leviathan kit.
More Bio-Mass acquired, can’t decide what to build. Winged Tyranid Prime for my Gargoyles or a Lictor for my Leapers?