rate my first rig
How would you solve mix packing
If You Could Change Anything About, Or Add Anything to, Your Most Played Playables, What Would You Change/Add.
Since we are doing tier lists (I'm not sure if I picked the right image for dibble)
What Size Do You Think Would Be Ideal For Rex? 1 or 2?
Anyone else just enjoy hacking on this game and making people angry?
As a deino I’ll take what I can get
I wish they could make this area more desirable for players. This is one of the most beautiful areas in the game imo
Pachy drinks where he pleases
Kinda like DAF trucks now...
Can I play real automatic with a toggle as I don't have a shifter
On ets2 I don't have a shifter and would like to play real automatic
I would like to propose a server event
What car does this streamer drive ?
Which Sauropod would you choose?
My beast of a car, look closely ;)
What the what
what car does he drive?
This is one of the best games I've played, ever.
Say something nice about him.
what do my favorite dinosaurs say about me?
50 hours in, and I am yet to be killed by a Carnivore as a Herbivore
What biome do you want most in gateway?
A message to Dondi.